Senin, 24 September 2007

An Exciting Position as a Community Organizer with Harlem United's Blocks Project

Position Description

Working under the supervision of the Managing Director and in partnership with the department’s other Community Organizer, she or he (s/he) will be directly responsible for developing collaborations with residents, policymakers, businesses and health and human service providers to design and provide HIV/AIDS awareness events, health fairs, and educational events to promote HIV testing and risk reduction skills building. S/he will work closely with the other Community Organizer (CO), Community Follow-up Worker (CFW) and Peer Workers (PWs) to saturate defined areas of East and Central Harlem with HIV stigma-reduction messages and coordinate neighborhood HIV/HCV/STD testing events and access to care and services. The Community Organizer must have extensive knowledge of Harlem and New York City’s health and human services network and must conduct assessments and refer individuals and/or families to appropriate community resources for needed services. As needed, the CO will establish ongoing relationships to ensure successful connection to quality medical and social services. As needed, the CO will assume clinical responsibilities as appropriate for the delivery of casework for individuals and/or families. COs will be required to conduct assessments and referrals during outreach activities and at other times.

Essential Job Functions

The Blocks Project, an exciting and innovative program at Harlem United, is a geographic and community organizing approach to delivering HIV prevention messages and testing to high risk areas (blocks) in Harlem. “Blocks” places people within the context of their environment and daily experiences and not just simply the customary risk-based approach that focuses on an individual’s behavior. Blocks’ staff will partner with residents and community leaders, policymakers, businesses and entrepreneurs, HIV/AIDS services providers and non-HIV community based organizations to reach Harlem residents who often do not see themselves as at risk for contracting HIV. HIV tests will be offered and hired social workers, who are trained in community organizing, will link people to local organizations providing an array of health and human services with the understanding that combating HIV is about addressing the range of problems that often face those most at risk of contracting the virus.

The following duties are mandatory requirements of the job:

· Convene monthly partnership meetings with community stakeholders, which would include residents, health and human service providers, to identify community needs, schedule health fairs, develop educational curricula and marketing materials, schedule outreach events and assess program delivery;

· Identify and build relationships with other community partners to serve as referral sources to meet the social and economic empowerment needs of Harlem residents;

· Develop training to build the outreach and communication skills of local volunteers and peer educators to promote stigma reduction messages and increase the testing rate for Harlem residents;

· As needed, accompany PWs and CFW on outreach events and conduct on-the-spot assessments and referrals to various health and human service programs and services for those in need of continued support and care;

· Maintain contact with those referred to services to ensure that those engaged are getting needed care and support; and,

· Required to work evenings and weekends as needed.

Other Responsibilities

The following duties are to be performed as assigned by the supervisor:

· Participate fully in all program evaluation activities

Education and Certification

Graduation from an accredited College or University with a Masters Degree in Social Work along with certification from the State of New York Department of Education. The hired CO should have experience in working with communities disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS.

Special Skills and Knowledge

The hired CO should be extremely familiar with East and Central Harlem communities. S/he should have a background in coalition work. The ability to speak fluent Spanish and/or one or several West African languages is a major plus. Knowledge and familiarity with HIV/AIDS services, including prevention strategies, and harm reduction, is a plus.


$38k to $45k

Please direct resume and cover letter to:

Joe Pressley, Managing Director, Blocks Project; Harlem United Community AIDS Center; 306 Lenox Avenue, 2nd Floor; New York, NY 10027

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