Make an appointment for a graduation audit here at the Program Office when you have between 90 and 100 credits and an area of concentration form approved by your faculty mentor and the Academic Director. Call 212-817-8221.
If you expect to graduate in JANUARY 2008, it is your responsibility to schedule a graduation audit with the Program office before the end of August 2007.
If you expect to graduate in JUNE 2008 or SEPT. 2008, it is your responsibility to
schedule a graduation audit before the end of January 2008.
There is a $15.00 charge, which pays for your final transcript and diploma, due at the time of the audit (check, money order or exact cash, please).
Rabu, 22 Agustus 2007
Credit for Life Experience: Required Seminars
Attendance at a 90-minute seminar is a required part of the process for applying for credit for life experience (a.k.a. prior experiential learning). You must have room in your program for elective credits (see your degree contract or consult your CUNY BA advisor), and the work for which you will seek credit must have occurred at a time when you were not in college. Please read the full details in the Program Catalog. The seminars are held at the Program Office; to reserve a seat, call 212-817-8220 or send an email to
Fall 2007:
Thursday, October 4, Noon
Tuesday, October 16, 1 pm
Spring 2008:
Tuesday, February 5, Noon
Monday, February 11, 1 pm
Wednesday, February 13, 5:45 pm
Tuesday, May 6, 5:45 pm
Fall 2007:
Thursday, October 4, Noon
Tuesday, October 16, 1 pm
Spring 2008:
Tuesday, February 5, Noon
Monday, February 11, 1 pm
Wednesday, February 13, 5:45 pm
Tuesday, May 6, 5:45 pm
Academic Advisement Update
We are pleased to announce the hire of two new academic advisors. Please note that each student is assigned a CUNY BA advisor based on their last name as follows:
Last Name Academic Advisor Phone Email
A-F Ms. Helene Brown 212-817-8229
G-N Mr. Rafal Szczurowski 212-817-8225
O-Z Ms. Kate McPherson 212-817-8237
Academic advising is an essential component of the CUNY BA/BS Program. The Program is committed to providing the individual advice and assistance students need at every step throughout their degree programs. CUNY BA academic advisors are available to answer questions about course work, distribution requirements, mentors, life experience credits and other matters related to your degree not covered by the Program's Registrar or your faculty mentor. Students are responsible for scheduling, preparing for, and keeping advising appointments; for seeking out contacts and information; and for knowing the requirements of their individual degree programs. Students bear the final responsibility for making their own decisions based on the best information and advice available and, ultimately, on their own judgment.
Last Name Academic Advisor Phone Email
A-F Ms. Helene Brown 212-817-8229
G-N Mr. Rafal Szczurowski 212-817-8225
O-Z Ms. Kate McPherson 212-817-8237
Academic advising is an essential component of the CUNY BA/BS Program. The Program is committed to providing the individual advice and assistance students need at every step throughout their degree programs. CUNY BA academic advisors are available to answer questions about course work, distribution requirements, mentors, life experience credits and other matters related to your degree not covered by the Program's Registrar or your faculty mentor. Students are responsible for scheduling, preparing for, and keeping advising appointments; for seeking out contacts and information; and for knowing the requirements of their individual degree programs. Students bear the final responsibility for making their own decisions based on the best information and advice available and, ultimately, on their own judgment.
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